1 (758) 722 2823
Compliant with ALL local Laws

Get all your statutory reports, National Insurance, PAYE, Year-End and so much more.

Employee payslips can be emailed to them with a click of a button.

A modern and user-friendly feel, which makes it possible to master the software in only a few hours.


Payroll Management
CUBE is an innovative payroll solution that revolutionizes how businesses manage their payroll process. We offer a comprehensive suite of features, including but not limited to:
Employee Data Management - Allows tracking of personal details, bank information, statutory withholding details, earnings, deductions, allowances etc.
Time and Attendance Tracking - Records hours worked by employees, including overtime, holidays, time off, and attendance tracking. For seamless data integration companies can use www.4Timeplus.com time and attendance solution.
Payroll Processing - Calculates wages, taxes, earnings, and deductions based on predefined rules and regulations.
Tax Filing and Compliance - Manages tax calculations, C3 Forms, year-end reports, and ensures compliance with tax laws and regulations.
Direct Deposit and Payment Options - Offers options for direct deposit using Eastern Caribbean Automated Clearing House (ECACH and physical checks.
Leave Administration – track leave balances and automatically process payments for approved vacation, sickness and time-off requests.
Benefits Administration - Manages employee benefits such as healthcare, pension plans, and other perks.
Reports and Analytics - Generates various reports for management, accounting, and compliance purposes.
Integration with Accounting Systems - provides customized General Ledger Reports (in csv) format, that can be uploaded into all accounting software that facilitate excel/csv uploads.
Self-Service Portal - Allows employees to view pay stubs, access relevant data and update information.
Security and Data Protection - Ensures sensitive payroll information is secure and protected from unauthorized access.
These include:
Allowances lists
Bank/Payee transfer lists
Consolidated Journal - detail
Consolidated Journal - summary
Deductions lists
Earnings lists (regular, Overtime etc.)
ECACH payment list
Edit Lists
Employees with negative net pay list
General Ledger - by department, location, division, team, or job title
National Insurance contributions (Print C3 forms directly from system)
Third-party bank/payee transfer letters (to credit unions, fast cash, etc.)
P.A.Y.E Deductions
Pay slips
Projects/Jobs Lists
Payroll Registers
Summary - by department
Summary - by employee
Summary - by location
Summary - by period
Summary - by team
Total non-productive cost
Total non-productive time
Total number of employee payrolls processed
Gross Pay/Payee Variance
Year End Reports (Customizable)